I’ve been meaning to jump back into this blog (remember when I said I was going to be consistent again back in October?), but why not dive back in this way? So here goes.
Exactly 12 years ago, I wrote a blog post called “Letter To My Sixteen Year Old Self.” It was a fun exercise in reflecting on life, where I was, and where I thought I would (and did) end up.
Dear Blake,
Yo! You’ve been married just over a year now. How crazy is that? Communication can be tough sometimes, right? Living together is really cool, but now you’re in each other’s space all the time. Just make sure to talk things out. And even though you think it’s worth arguing about the toilet seat, it really isn’t.
Take time for walks together. Plan some trips. They don’t have to be fancy, but make sure to invest in quality time with each other.

Enjoy this coming season of MSU Football. Take Bev to a few games at Scott Field. You don’t have a kid yet, and it gets more complicated once that happens. If you get the chance to go out west for a game, take it. Enjoy that trip with your friend. Trust me—because the next eight years of MSU football will be…rough.
Go for runs. I know Bev got you into running with a few races here and there, but keep it up. It’s good for you. Keeps the heart pumping. Plus, it’s something you can share with Bev. One day, you’ll share that time with your future kids too. And hey, it keeps you from needing bigger pants. Haha. I know you think you can survive on Hamburger Helper, Cap’n Crunch, and cookie dough right now, but you can’t forever. Strengthen that core too. Oh, and remember when you thought 40 was kinda old? Yeah, not so much. Haha.
Speaking of kids, being a parent is awesome. And challenging. And rewarding. And hard. And a blessing. It’s impossible to fully explain until you’re in the thick of it—just like no one can really describe “being married” until you are. You have to experience it. But start praying for your kids now. There will be a few of them. You and Bev will be blessed beyond measure. And both sets of grandparents will love them to pieces.
Start getting up a little earlier. Yeah, I know—those first five minutes suck. Your bed is comfortable. But you already know that once you’re up and moving, it’s worth it. Maybe go for a run. Walk Sally around the block. Spend some time praying over your marriage, family, and future. Read some Scripture and ask God for His guidance. This will all be time well spent. Oh, and maybe part of the “getting up earlier” plan involves trimming the wings on the old Night Owl too.
Be intentional with your days. Make a to-do list and knock out those tasks. I know youth ministry can have a flexible schedule, but not every day is ping pong and deep talks. Make sure you’ve taken care of the work stuff so you can be intentional with the fun hangout moments too.
You’ve been thinking about it, and soon you and Bev will start taking steps into investing. I know retirement feels like it’s a long way off, but be consistent with it. And when the market takes a dip, don’t freak out—just keep at it. It will pay off. Oh, and that online bookstore, Amazon? Might be worth a look for investments.
Your head is full of ideas—some seem kinda silly, and some you’re confident could work out. Go for them! Not all will go as expected, but you’ll wish you’d taken a shot at some of those things. Don’t be afraid of failure. Or better yet, admit the fear but do it anyway. It’ll get easier the more you do it.
Keep learning. You won’t need algebra again—except when your kids need help with their homework. But keep reading and learning. Sure, you love a good Stephen King or Raymond Feist book, but add some nonfiction to the mix. Learn some web skills. You had fun starting the ONElist for Lake Stephens, but you’ll build a few other things too. There’s a lot to catch your attention, but don’t just read—do something with what you learn. Create. Take some risks. But always stay true to yourself.
Don’t stress too much. There will be some rough patches ahead, but hold your wife tightly and draw strength from each other. Pray for each other. Ask God for patience, grace, and mercy. You’re good together, but sometimes patience won’t be your first reaction. Learn to trust Him daily, even though you’ll want to know what’s going to happen next month or next year. Just keep trusting Him day by day.
That’s about it for now…
So… if you were to write a letter to yourself roughly 20 years back… what would you say?