Well, I go crawl into bed as soon as I’m done with this entry.
I started the morning moving and really haven’t slowed much. I got up and got ready for the game in Starkville. Today was FCA day at MSU‘s homecoming game. We were coming off of our big *snicker-snicker* win over Vandy last week and were going to be facing Memphis and our DC from last year, Joe Lee Dunn. But after I got the van to the church parking lot to wait on they guys to get there, my ignition key broke in half. It’s been partially bent with a crack in it for a while. So I knew it was a long time coming. So I just ran inside to get another set (that I’ve never used (remember that tid-bit, it’s important)).
We get to campus, park behind the Wesley Foundation and walk to the building for the FCA meeting. Supposed to start at 10:30. Well, it finally starts at 11:00 and we sing a bit, two football players give their testimonies. It was pretty cool. Players spoke very well and confidently. Then a few more songs, then the main speaker. He didn’t say much except try to echo what the players said, then had a 30 minute long invitation. I’m not kidding. “Go on, Go now! Come on. Right here, right now.” Over and over and over…. “Just one more. Just one more. Come on. Just one more” over and over and over. We slipped out as soon as we could with out drawing too much attention because it was running late and we were supposed to meet a friend and my wife and daughter at the Union.
We meet up, fight the crowd for some Chik-Fil-A, then go to the game. After a shakey start, a offensive showcase, then a scarey 2nd half, the Bulldogs come away with another win. That’s two in a row now. Look out SEC, here we come *sincker-snicker*. But it was fun. We sat up where the birds fly. But I had my binocs, so it was all good. I actually like sitting up there now and then. But down low is probably better overall. But we were on the top row of the entire stadium.
Get back to the van, and turns out that the new set of keys I got don’t work. Well, the ignition key does, but the door key doesn’t. So we talk the police, the HP, and they get a towing service after us. But in the mean time (read: 45 minutes of waiting) we begged a coat hanger off of some strangers, and tried forever to pop a lock our selves.
Finally Pat and Matt got in. You would have thought they won the lottery. “We did it! We’re in! We got in! We did it!” It was funny. My daughter got caught up in the celebration as well. “The van is open! The van is open!” But a traffic riddled ride home…then to a birthday party…then to some taped comedy/drama we’d recorded last night…then to bed…then back up on the computer…now, going to bed again.