Like I was saying....

Am I HIGH from Innovate 08?

I’m still jazzed up a little for the experiences of Innovate 08. It was really (really) good.

But I’ve realized I need to guard against something.

From my many years as a student minister I have taken kids on lots of different trips. Weekend trips, mission trips, beach camps, fall retreats, ski trips, etc., etc. And in doing so, I usually see kids end the week with a “camp high”. You know, where by the end of the event Jesus is their best friend for life! And how they’re going to go back home and be working to change their town, their school, their church, their WORLD! They are fired up! They sing the lyrics to praise songs all the time, and they’re just waiting to hear someone say, “I love Jesus! Yes I do! I love Jesus! How ’bout you?!?” so they can scream back their own affirmation of love for their new best friend and Savior.

But in most cases, it takes roughly two weeks before that students are “back to normal“. Back to how things were before they left for camp. The passion dries up. The enthusiasm wanes. And their purpose in life shifts back to being popular or making good grades or not getting in trouble.

And I can see how the same can be said for adults. I mean, people left Innovate 08 with a drive and a passion for God’s Kingdom. Just like they’ll leave Catalyst next month and any and all other church leadership events you can think of. And they’ll be chock full of ideas and purpose and passion and motivation. I’m right there with them. But I don’t’ want to see any of us come back to “normal” like it was before the event.

I want to soak in what God taught me at Innovate. And to let Him show me what it all means for me and my calling specifically. Not to copy a program or idea or manner of any other church/ministry. But to see what God is calling US to do specifically. And to apply it humbly and faithfully.

So thank you to Granger Community Church. Thanks to Mark, and Tim, and Rob, and Kem, and Mark. Thanks to Shawn and Steven and the guys. Thanks to Kathy and Jeff.


  1. Debby

    Good writing on this blog, you made some good points about losing that mountain-top feeling, but enjoy it while it’s there!

  2. g

    This post makes me think back on what I’ve read recently (and tonight) in Oswald Chamber’s My Utmost for His Highest. See August 27 and September 24.

  3. g

    Oswald has even better words re: this post in the Oct. 1 & 2 entries of MUFHH.

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