Or does this picture make you laugh too. I try to imaging dogs being lowered out of helicopters. My dog gets scared of celing fans…she’d have a heart attack if she were under a copter.
A military helicopter carries soldiers and military dogs from the Special Force Corp (Kopassus) during celebrations to mark its 51st anniversary at their headquarters in Jakarta, April 16, 2003. Indonesian defence minister Matori Abdul Djalil on Tuesday issued one of Jakarta’s starkest warnings yet that a pact aimed at ending decades of conflict in Aceh province was in danger, with military action inevitable if it fell apart. REUTERS/Supri
Great picture!
came here because you've bought my stock. And I intend to do the same. YOu got a better deal, though, because my valuation hasn't been fixed until all my alternate URLs get merged, then you should see a decent profit (anything more than 0 is good, right?)
anyway, check out my blog and click on the video link under the YES entry, for a related image — your dog being afraid of ceiling fans made me think of it.
I'll be blogrolling you soon.