Like I was saying....

John Piper & the Prosperity Gospel

I first heard John Piper at Passion back in the late 90’s. He was a guy you took lots of notes, read back through them. Bought the tape (yes, tape. Not yet cd or mp3) and re-listened to his talk. Then you figured out what he was really saying and meaning. He was usually pretty deep and profound.

I came across this video a couple of weeks ago. It is pretty profound too. Yet very simple. And real. Tell me what you think about it.



  1. Jeremy

    First of all, magnificently produced video. Intense and point well made by Piper. I was pondering similar thoughts yesterday, but this helped me get my thoughts on digital paper. See my full response here:

  2. g

    Great message. I need to remember that one every moment of every day (and need to stop feeling screwed by what are, comparatively, minor setbacks).

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