Like I was saying....


So we’d been trying to get the message from our weekend services at The Orchard recorded for the last few weeks. But we had a few equipment issues, then some bad cords. But then I ended up buying a Tascam 144 USB Interface. You plug it into the iBook G4 and also into the soundboard. And then VOILA! Well, not voila…there were a few settings that were causing some frustrations

But then I got to work in Garageband for a while putting the pieces together, using the little intro music, recording a brief welcome message, and getting all the id3 tags right.

I’ve submitted our podast iTunes, but it will probably take a few days until it gets flying there. But we’re looking forward to this being a great way for our folks to keep up if they’re out a weekend. Also a great way for so many of our college students to listen in during the summer (or for their parents to check out where they’re going to church while away at college.)

Right now we have it set up on iWeb, so if you want to check out our first edition, go for it!

1 Comment

  1. Jeremy

    i listened to the first 7 or 8 seconds over and over. The infliction and conviction of the introduction is outstanding! I want to listen to the rest, but I fear it will fall short of the greatness of the introduction… i’m going to try again, though.

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