Well, I look back and see that I’ve been quite a while w/o a post. It’s not for lack of trying. There have been times I’ve opened up the “Write Post” page and stared at the screen. But nothing would come out of my fingers. So here I am after the calm. Not that there is a storm coming or anything. But life has been moving.
I know I keep saying different things, but I do think that there is a new business opportunity for me about to happen. I’ve even been looking at a contract. But I’m at a crossroads of decision making. Stay independent or join a network. Both might have some positives. Both might have a few places that will stretch me or the possible future. But MissSportsTalk.com has been getting some attention lately. And I have to make the choice. A major network is asking me to join their fold. And I could do and and run w/ it and maybe make some money after a little time spent working at it. Or I could remain a freelance guy and try to go it alone.
Either way I’d be tracking down people, doing stories, making interviews, and producing content. Could be quite exciting. Could give me lots of joy. Or a headache. I think it’s the former.