So I’ve been out of the blogging habit the past week. But things have been a little crazy. So for the last handful of days, here’s a recap:
- The whole fam is up here now. So we’re living in my dad’s basement. It’s both a blessing and a test.
- A slew of tornadoes swept through the area. It caused some serious damage all around. One crept through Oxford too. I watched the crazy sky for it, but didn’t get to see it.
- We started having morning services at The Orchard. Yesterday was our 2nd week of it. We had about 59 for the morning and 110 for the evening.
- I had taco soup four different times in four different houses in two weeks time.
- We looked at lots of houses in Oxford. I relearned or had reinforced the fact that the housing market is seriously crazy and overpriced in Oxford.
- The inside door handle quit working on my vehicle.
- LOST is back with a fury.
- MSU lost two in a row; then they won two in a row.
- The writers strike seems to be over.
So, there’s a quick recap. And we got wifi in my dad’s basement!
Driver door? If so, that must be a hassle and a half!