Off and on this high school football season I’ve been going to different games and taping them for a friend. He then compiles a lot of differnt game tape and sends them off to a recruiting service. They in turn cut them up and make tapes to send to college coaches.

On my end, I just tape them. And I help out a friend while getting to see some decent football teams. When I did the first one back in late August, it was hot and sticky. But as the months have gone on it has gotten colder. Last week @ Senatobia it was cool and damp. Then raining. Then raining sideways. Then just damp and cold.

Tonight’s forcast looks like this to the left. And I think that is without any wind chill factored in. So it’s a good thing I get to stand on top of a press box high up in the wind to get the best vantage point for videoing the game. My mom thinks I’m crazy. She said she wouldn’t do it for $500. I’d do it in shorts and a tshirt for $500.

What’s the coldest you’ve been? Did you lose any fingers? And what’s your best tip for staying warm out in the cold?