Like I was saying....

A short glance at The Oxford Square

Oxford, Mississippi could be known for a lot of things. One of those things is “The Square.” The Courthouse Square sits in the center of town just a few blocks up from the campus of UMiss. It is full of shops and stores and restaurants and clubs and law offices.

The summers that I worked at Camp Lake Stephens I’d often times come look around The Square at Uncle Buck’s (a music store that is no longer there) or look in an art gallery or two. I always stopped in Square Books or Off Square Books too. The Square can be a very cool place. Lots of good eats.

Anyhow, I found this short video that highlights The Square. And it just so happens to be hosted by a friend of mine, Micah Ginn. Enjoy


  1. canudigit

    Makes me want to visit Oxford more often. I could eat at City Grocery most every day. Are the galleries still on The Square? The area immediately off The Square (side streets) is interesting also.

  2. Emily

    Loved this post, Blake. Makes me miss home.

    Have you seen Micah’s Chucky Mullins documentary? Greatness.

  3. Blake

    @canudigit – It could deplete your wallet quickly if you ate there daily. And you’re right, Jackson and Van Beuren have good places. I sorta still consider that Squarish.

    @Emily, No but I’ve heard it’s quite good. We were at Northeast CC together. He’s one of the funniest people I know.

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