Well…I said we had some big news.
We’re moving.
I’ve been here in this town for all my life. That’s a long time to me. Yes, I’ve been away at college some and working at different camps in the summer. But this place has been home to me for a long while.
But we’re leaving to go to a new church. I’ll be the youth minister there after being here at this church for eight years. It wasn’t an easy decision. It wasn’t something that we decided on a whim. But after a lot of prayer and thought and prayer and wrestleing with it…we think that this is God’s direction for us…and we’re being obedient.
I told my pastors on Thursday. It was a nervous time. It surprised them and caught them a little off guard. But they said it was a good opportunity for me and that I was going to a good church.
We told the kids Sunday night. I had a lesson on God’s call and how He called many different people from where they were to go somewhere else. Then I told them that I was feeling a new call. Told them we were leaving soon and how difficult it was to tell them that. I was met with blank stares. Absent of emotion. But slowly the tears crept in and a little sinffles here and there. We ended in prayer and most came and gave me a hug. Some said words of encouragement, others just cried/hugged and left. It was tough. I mean tough. Hands down the most difficult thing I’ve ever done.
We were leaving church and talking to the pastor in the ally that runs between our two buildings. Then some parents found me and talked to me in the ally. Some pretty aggressive. “Why are you doing this? Are you feeling pushed out? Is someone in the church doing this to you?” No. No. No. It’s truly a feeling that this is a move of God. Not everyone always understands that.
Later that night I went to a parent’s house to talk w/ her some more. A handful of kids were over there. One said that it’s not sunk in yet. It really hasn’t to me either. To think of moving after all these years here. And going to a bigger city/church/group/etc is a big step too.
So I ask for your prayers. Baby’s coming. House selling. Home finding/buying. Ministry leaving. All that wrapped up in the next few months.
hey, definitely praying for you and the family. crazy times, but God's got you covered. please keep all us YSers posted! 🙂
Thanks, Shay.
I left out tons of details. Hopefully I'll make time to give more soon.
hey man, i know this was probably a tough decision for you and yours. the kids and parents you're most upset about hurting are the ones that, in the end, will most likely be your biggest supporters. can't wait to hear what God has in store for you.
also, thanks for the blog idea. i think i'm gonna keep it up.
I admire you in so many ways, but at this moment I admire your obedience. As an "outsider" who is familiar with your student ministry, it seems thats it is healthier right now, with stronger leaders than ever before. That makes it the best and worst time to leave. Best because the kids will be ok, worst because its kids you are passionate about. I'm proud of you.
Love to Sally.
I'm relieved that you aren't moving to NZ! As usual, I'm praying for you and yours.
("Hi" to Sally's friend)