Like I was saying....

Feast Twenty Two

Feast Twenty-two

Name 3 things that you are wearing today.
Baseball cap, old Disciple Now shirt, gym shorts

Who was the last person you hugged?
My daughter

What do you like to order from your favorite fast food place?

Main Course
What time of day do you usually feel most energized?
Friday or Saturday

Using the letters in your first name, write a sentence. (Example: Sweet unusual spaniels are nice.)
Bees like angry khaki elephants!

1 Comment

  1. Wes

    appetizer(3 things i have on)
    rams cap(always), iverson, nikeT

    Soup- hugged wife

    Salad – food/Sub

    Main Course – when do i have the most energy? anytime my wife mentions quality time.

    Dessert – a sentence using letters from my first name – We Educate Several Everyday Yuppies

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