Like I was saying....

I hate painting

Have I ever said that before?

Well, we’re painting up in the youth rooms at church. Lots of green, blue, purple, yellow, orange, red….and it looks good. Really does. I don’t mind rolling, but I hate, absolutely hate detailed stuff with a brush. But I think it’s going to look good in the end.

The goal is to move the two youth Sunday School classes out of the main youth room, put them in rooms of their own, paint them, and then have the wide open youth room set up for larger youth meetings all the time instead of it pulling double duty all the time.

We’ll move some things around, put in some new chairs, hope to get some TV’s and and XBOX or two in there (or PS2, but I’m thinking XBOX) and brighten it up. Right now it’s dull. Someone suggested even some track lighting to point towards the stage we’re going to set up.

The wall in the Jr High Sunday School room looks pretty wild and funky, but cool at the same time. I’ll take a pic of it tomorrow (I always promise pics, don’t I?) and get it up.

But this week is lots of painting. I’m trying to get things situated for our trip to Panama City Beach in two weeks with Big Stuf Camps and get the final kinks worked out on a tshirt for our youth.

A very fun Administrative Council meeting is calling my name in less than an hour. It will be the first such meeting with our new pastor. Hopefully he doesn’t get long winded, but I suspect he will since it’s his first. Some pastors like to try to do a mini-sermon at those…but I’ll be wanting to get out quick for supper. I’m hungry already…

1 Comment

  1. Alex

    I am the exact oposite on painting. I love the brush and hate to roll.

    XBOX for sure..

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