I can always blame it on lots of things. But some of the reason for my lack of blogging has been the fact that we don’t have a computer desk. That means that right now, as I type, I’m stretched out in the floor on my belly. When we moved back in June, we didn’t move our computer desk w/ us. It wasn’t much of a desk to begin with. Just a table. Seems we left our bonafide computer desk w/ someone else when we left Amory. It was too big and too clunky and too….ugly. It was a freebie that was bigger than we expected, but did it’s job for a while. But we didn’t bring any with us in expectations of thinking “we’ll get a new one quickly if we’re in the floor with the computer.”
And that was June.
Same thing happened w/ our table. We sent one of our kitchen tables back w/ my mom. The other was under piles of boxes in the garage when we first moved in here. So for almost a month, we ate on the kitchen floor. Chinese style. Pull up a cushion. Sit cross legged. Lean up against the wall. Whatever it took. But we would all gather on the tile floor and eat our meal. It helped us get the boxes taken care of more quickly out there.
Now it’s time for a desk. Because sitting up typing is much easier.
And here’s a shoutout for today. Rick is finally trying out something besides Blogger. I’ve been trying to get him to give MT or WP a whirl, but he’s on TypePad now. That’s MT’s hosted version. Check him out right here.