Just saw this advertised in the new Relevant Magazine. It’s called 40 Days of Nothing, and it is put on by the guys behind XXXChurch.com. Some think these guys are great, some think they are not a real ministry because of where they go w/ their message. I’ve listened to their podcasts a few times and think that God really is using them. But it looks like this is something worth checking out as well. Here’s an excerpt:

Craig Gross and JR Mahon are on a mission to inspire the people to get out of the pews. Too often Christians spend their time praying, talking, and being “spiritual” but not getting their hands dirty. The book of James says, “Faith without works is dead.” There are too many meetings, too much political posturing, too much condemnation, and too much inaction. Starving Jesus will challenge you to less talking and more doing. Craig Gross and JR Mahon run the day-to-day operations of XXXchurch.com and both live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

And it even gets better (maybe). They are having a tour, and they’ll actually be coming to Clinton. Right here in my neck of the woods. Now I’m going to have to think about getting the book.