Where is home? I’ve called home a lot of places. I’m still actually paying for a house right here (where I’m typing this) but I’m about to pick up most of its contents and move it to a new place. So maybe I’m finally moving my “home”. There’s been a lot of back and forth driving the last few weeks, but especially the last few days. But it’s all for good.
Soon we’ll be in our new green house….then it will be Party At StateDOG’s!!! Heh heh…how funny would that be?
Pray that the move goes well, the move out and the move in. And also that the house sells very quickly. Might go ahead and list w/ a realtor, but it’d be super awesome to go ahead and sell it before hand.
Here’s to a tiring day and then driving a big honking Uhaul truck later!!
Be sure to invite us all over for a par-tay… StateDOG style 🙂 Glad to hear things are going well at the new church. Praying your house sells very soon!
I've heard "home is where your heart is" and "home is where you hang your memories". All good, but I add "home is where you make it". Fill your green house with love, memories and God; that will make it "home" for you and your family.