Like I was saying....

A #5 Seed

Well, after scaring Kensucky for a second time in two months, Mississippi State loses to Big Blue in the finals of the SEC Tournament. Are we good enough to have beaten them, I think so, but we didn’t..and we can’t make any excuses. Turns out we get a pretty good seeding in the NCAA tourney. A 5 seed isn’t so bad, unless you look to the fact that it’s the seed that’s upset the most. But the last time we were a number 5 seed (like this year), the Final Four was in New Orleans (like this year). So I hope history can repeat itself (except that we get to play UKy in the title game this time!

Go Dogs!


  1. Jason

    Let's get real though….Kensucky will make it to the final four. They have the most stellar record this year, and have the team to breeze through the sweet 16. If State is really *that* good, then half the nation is going to have to change their brackets…..cause I don't think many people are picking State to go all the way.

    You are in the minority on this one…and no that is not a joke about the color of your players.

  2. jeremy

    lets also get real… you didnt SCARE kentucky this time. You played a good game and got beat by a better team.

  3. Blake

    I didn't say we SCARED Kentucky, I said we scared them. And yes, when we were down only 1 point with 1:27 left in the game…and then we had Austin on the line for 2 free throws still down only one point…yes, Kentucky was scared.

    They beat us. I admit it. I say we could have won that game..not saying we should have.

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