Like I was saying....

All is quiet…

So the wifi finally started working here in the hospital. Great that it did late the last night I’m here. But I’m fine with leaving tomorrow. It hasn’t been terrible. But my little “bed” leaves a lot to be desired. It’s after 1am and I’m delaying trying to get sleep in it. Maybe if I get really tired it will come easier.

The delivery wasn’t too dramatic. A few tense moments. And then the usual, “is that going to fit through there” moment. But things wound up smoothly.

The day was a normal one. But The Wife has regained some strength and brightness in her eyes. The Boy is seemingly doing fine. He slept really well last night. Not much of a peep. I hope that is a trend he continues over the next few years. He’s nursing well, but we’re still waiting on the milk to come in.

Tomorrow we go home. But we can’t go until we have a name. So I think we’re really close. Here are a few hints of what might happen. I say might because it’s apt to change between now and then.

  • Maybe use one of my names.
  • Maybe use a name from the Bible
  • Maybe use a name of a friend
  • Maybe use a name that is synonymous with local Oxford, MS culture.
  • Maybe name him after Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights.

We shall see…


  1. jeremy

    i’m surprised “Lost” characters or famous MSU alums aren’t in the mix.

  2. JenniferLove

    That new baby boy is precious! Congrats! Good luck on the name. Exciting, isn’t it, to think of boy names instead of girl? We never had that chance!

  3. Blake

    @Jeremy: Believe me, I thought of quite a few combination with LOST/MSU names in there. But my baby’s mama wouldn’t let any of them stick.

    @Jennifer: Yes, indeed. We had a lot of girl possibilities in mind. But not many boy names seriously considered. I think we’ve settled on his name for the 2nd time. We just need to confirm it with the Med Records office.

  4. Stevie

    I thought of a name… Joseph Phillip Thompson.. you could call him Joey for short..

  5. Jenny

    OH my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so stinkin excited it’s a boy!!! Yay!!! Haha, I can’t be more ecstatic, or show it through text anyhow, man. I am so happy. Miles Rowan Thompson. Cute. Y’all are all cute. I hope he looks just like Bev, haha..don’t think that could ever happen. Glad everything is going smoothly 🙂


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