Like I was saying....

All set…

After seeming to have to jump through hoops because of a mixup in the upgrade script, all is alive and well with my message board. I’m really amazed by both and Invision Power Board.

In both cases, it was the owner who personally helped me. Now maybe I happened to catch them at a slow time or something when I needed some help. But I went ahead and aimed high when I asked for some help, and both did. These are people/companies with thousands of clients. Wow.

Anyway, Mississippi Sports Talk is now running on IPB 2.0 PF2. That means that it’s the prefinal release (2nd version). I think the actual final version will be out in a couple of weeks. Then the final skin can be implimented. Give it a polished look, with custom logo/buttons. And add some advertising as well, hopefully.

If I can make a little extra cash off of this, then it will relieve the need for The Wife to return to work after The Kid #2 gets here. So we’ll see how all that goes.

1 Comment

  1. jeremy

    hey, why'd you make me do the friday feast and then you skipped it?

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