Like I was saying....

An early August bullet list

I think I tend to sometimes write bullet lists when I’ve not posted in a while. Or when I have a lot of scattered thoughts.

  • December 6th is the St. Jude [Half] Marathon. I think I’m going to give it a go. I’ve seen many people running lately that have impressed me. I know I can do it. And I hope to invite friends to do it with me.
  • I’ve added a handful of new plugins to the site. Might not be things you see much evidence of on the front end. But overall, helpful additions I think.
  • In the last six months I’ve watched the first three seasons of The Office. The Wife is hooked. Now we’re plowing through S4. Oh, and Hulu rocks!
  • SEC Football practice started this week. How awesome is that?
  • I’ve found tons of cover songs accidntally on YouTube. I’ll start posting a few each week. We’ll see how you like them.
  • I have some friends who had some old Canon lenses they let me borrow to use with my new [lensless] Canon 40D. Now I need a CF card. I plan to make some purchases this week. I’m excited.
  • We met some more neighbors tonight. It was good.
  • Small groups start soon at church. Much thought needs to happen. And more prayer than that. Should be a good fall.


  1. Jeremy

    you should use asterisks instead of bullet points. They are amazing.

  2. g

    I think I might have some old Canon lenses and filters. Interested?

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