Like I was saying....

Doing something different?

If you were doing something different in life than what you are currently doing, what would it be?

Now I’m glad and quite happy where I am and what I’m doing. But there have been times I’ve been asked that question: “If you were not working in a church, what would you be doing?”

That’s a great question. I don’t know that I have a definitive answer for any of it. But here are some possibilities:

  1. Habitat for Humanity: Now this might be too narrow of a job. But one summer while at Mission Fest my group was working with Habitat For Humanity. We were building a house in Jackson in a neighborhood that probably isn’t the safest. And it was amazing work. I’ll admit that I’m not the handiest of handy men. But we built walls and framed windows and put up roof trusses and slung hammers all day long. And I didn’t want to quit! When I work, I really like to take breaks. But I was usually the last one wanting to quit. It was so awesome to see at the end of each day visual proof of the work done that day and knowing the impact it was making.
  2. Photographer: I actually want to jump back into it no matter. But I worked all summer after my sophomore year in high school to earn $$ to get a nice camera. Then I got a job at the local newspaper taking photos of the high schools sports in the area. I loved photography. I learned to develop my own film and print my own pictures and everything. I loved knowing that from start to finish the creation was 100% me. And when I’d take some photos to school and show people…and whey they liked it because they saw themselves or people they knew and thought it was a great photo…it made me swell up inside because they liked my work. And now that Addison has been playing soccer and some involvement still in local sports I started to get a major itch again for photography. It’s an itch that I think I’ll have to scratch soon. As a career though, I don’t know if it would be sports or portrait or photojournalism or wildlife or just a fat combination of it all. But I could see myself loving it.
  3. Work at a book store: I know it might sound lame. But it could be cool.
  4. Foreign Missions: I have always lived in Mississippi (except for the summer at Camp Ozark). And I think that getting outside of your “comfort zone” can/will stretch you in a big way. And to go international and live life missionally whether it’s actually doing “church work” or getting a secular job and serving your community by being grace and mercy just as Jesus was…it has a major draw to it. When we moved from Amory to Clinton a few years back, my mom breathed a sigh of relief that we only moved three hours away. She was thinking we might move to a different continent. And who knows, maybe we will someday.
  5. Camping Ministry: I worked each of my college summers as a camp counselor. Loved it.
  6. Film/Video maker: I’m not sure why or how, but there’s an allure there too.

Anywho, those are a few things I’d consider as possibilities if I were doing something completely different.

So..if you were to have a different job, what would you like to do/be?


  1. g

    I would like to be a talented, sought-after artist, possibly living in the Taylor community. That would allow me work I enjoy plus the time and money to be helpful to others.

    Your bookstore idea is also appealing to me, but I bore easily and would probably tire of it after a year or so. If the patrons were interesting, that might make a difference.

  2. jeremy

    Christian Education
    Anything that I could be creative – esp. technology stuff like audio/video producing
    pretty much anything ministry related

  3. Blake

    @g – Taylor as in Lafayette County?

    @Jer – I remember you used to do some pretty good videos now and then…

  4. g

    Yes, Blake.

  5. g

    …but I don’t like moving, and I moved just six months ago. You are safe. 🙂

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