What is something that never fails to grab your attention?
Tornado Sirenes
Who was the last person who gave you money, and what was it for?
A guy from my message board sent me $10 to help pay for upkeep costs.
If you were a Smurf, what would your name be?
Whitey Smurf
Main Course
Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
No. God’s against it.
Have you seen any snow this year yet? What’s the weather like today in your area?
I saw some on Monday Night Football earlier this week. Today it’s cold with a 100% chance of cold tomorrow.
A crying child. The government, because they had been underpaying my disability compensation. Gimp Smurf. No – It's silly. No – I'll be in the snow at New Year's.
appetizer – my wife shopping in the lingerie section of dillards.
soup – i have no idea
salad – Muscley Smurf
Main – i dont believe in astrology for the same reason i dont believe you can tell the future by the way your cherios float in your bowl.
Dessert – only have seen snow on tv at football games in the midwest…the weather here near orlando is in the upper 60's.
BONUS dessert – stop thinking about your job or all the stuff you need to do around your house…relax and enjoy your family this week. Merry Christmas.
apt – nicole kidman
soup – the youth people, cause they owed me
salad – hairy smurf
mc – no. Blake's against it.
des. – just on the picture box.