Like I was saying....

Here in the Bluegrass

I’m sitting in the Student Center here at Asbury right now. The Kid is watching Reading Rainbow on ETV while I check some mail and stuff. Last weekend was our end of the summer ski trip up at Pickwick. Had a fun time, but didn’t get much sleep. We had an (almost) all nighter with Halo. Two systems hooked up together and lots of action. I turned it all off in the middle of the pitch black morning because I knew no one would want to get up the next day. Plus I knew I had an 8 hour drive in less than 36 hours as well. But a fun time was had by all.

After early service yesterday we loaded up the car, dropped the dog off, and hit the road. The drive to Kentucky was pretty simple for the most part. Just hit I65 and head north. But after getting off the Bluegrass Parkway, we went past our turn and were in the middle of nowhere.

Actually, once we found where we needed to be, we were (and still are) in the middle of no where. The time change got us. It was 9:40 local time and we were trying to find supper. I called a friend who used to go to school here and asked if Subway was the only thing open in Wilmore at this time of night. He informed me that Subway was ALL there was…no matter the time. Ha!

We drove down the road to another town to find a TacoBell and I was happy. The Bed & Breakfast where we’re staying is okay. Good breakfast this morning, but only a really, really slim shower in a really cramped bathroom. Turns out I could have stayed in the welcome center on campus, but oh well. More about our B&B latter.

Class was good. Lots of theory and history this morning. But the class is Postmodern Youth Ministry. We have a group presentation due on Thursday. So it comes up really quickly. But I hope to be able to talk a little more about it soon. I have a daughter on a couch wanting to go back to the room. And I want to catch a little down time on the bed as well…relax and watch some ESPN!

1 Comment

  1. g

    I wondered where you were. 🙂

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