Like I was saying....

Isn’t She Beautiful?

I heard about this while listening to the “Blessed are the Peacemakers” sermon series from Rob Bell. But just heard it in passing. But then the very next day a friend mentioned it and wondered if I wanted to go. For whatever reason it didn’t seem to be possible.

But soon after looking at it more, and hearing that our pastor is going and a few small things were going to be able to make the way easier….I’M GOING!

So we’ll be heading up to Grandville, MI later this month for a conference at Mars Hill Bible Church w/ teaching and Q&A w/ Rob Bell and the staff of the church. It should be quite awesome, and I’m looking forward to being with the people I’m up there with.

Here are a few interesting things from the FAQ on the site:

Q: Who is this seminar for?
A: Pastors, Youth Pastors, small group Pastors, Worship leaders, seminary students, college students, elders, board members, church volunteers, church planters, church staff members…etc.
Q: Will I be receiving a packet of information in the mail prior to the seminar?
A: You will receive an immediate email response at the time of your registration confirming your registration. There will be no literature sent to you about the seminar, the content of Rob’s teachings, nor any of the discussion groups previous to your arrival.
Q: What will the weather be like in Grand Rapids, MI during the seminar in January?
A: The weather will be cold, with a high probability of snow, wind, and bitter rain that makes you wish you were somewhere else. This is not a seminar for the faint of heart. Grand Rapids is not for sissies.

Not for sissies, huh? There’s no way my wife would make that trip then. She hates cool weather.


  1. Chris Baker

    Awesome Man! Have Fun. I just got done listening to his book Velvet Elvis on my travels during the holidays – its pretty good stuff.

  2. Blake

    Velvet Elvis is a good one. A few things there that will stretch you and challenge you. I expect to be challenged while we’re there too

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