Like I was saying....

Long time, no see

Well, here I am again. Nearly a week from posting. Also nearly a week from reading the blogs I usually read. Last weekend was a little busy, then we took an overnight trip to take our daughter to the zoo (maybe have some pics later), and then we’ve had Bible School and other stuff going on here at work that hasn’t offered me as much time to post. Yeah, yeah…I still have time at home. But I’ve not taken it. I had some nights were I didnt’ get as much sleep, so if I was on the computer any, it was mainly reading not writing.

But anywho…I’ll post an update on some things that happened in the past few days and we’ll play catch up.


  1. Steve

    blake, glad you're back. i missed reading your stuff.

  2. giddy

    Yes! Just in time for F5.

  3. yafreax

    i am glad you are back as well.

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