So I’m not writing like I promised myself. But here’s a lazy (so far) Memorial Day for me. Here’s what’s on tap:

  • Weed Eat: It’s been staring at me for a while. But I need to get on it. I can load up the mp3 player and listen to a podcast. I usually try to listen to the RelevantMag podcast while weedeating. But I have a few LOST ones to catch up on. I need to move some dirt that’s in a pile from where I planted a tree last weekend too.
  • Work Out: I’ve been neglecting that. And it seems my back is getting more and more stiff. Still to the point of a painful twinge if a bend just right (wrong?)
  • Dodge storms and grill out: Supposed to grill and swim w/ some friends later this afternoon/evening. But it could be a stormy time. We’ll see. But good times could be had.
  • Ride Bikes!: Not really me. But Addison has dropped the training wheels. Now she’s a free bird out there on her bike. I might walk w/ her while she rides the neighborhood loop.
  • I need to read: I need to read a lot. Bible, of course. But a few youth ministry books. Some are re-reads. Some are new reads. And of course there’s a few general reads I want to fit in.

It seems like at the start of my day I can tell you about 28 hours of stuff I think I need to get done. But then I also put in a few hours of stuff that doesn’t really matter much and at the end of the day I’m thinking I still have some of the same stuff to handle.