Like I was saying....

Welcome to the 21st Century

Man, I remember when I was just beginning to get online. I was a Junior at Mississippi State. I’d walk to the computer lab in the building next to my dorm. I’d get online and read about MSU sports and college football/basketball in my spare time.

Graduated, got a job, and bought a computer. Had dialup. Good ole 33.3kbs. Then an upgrade later. I could connect around 53kbs then. I was zooming. But people started to talk about DSL. Even had a friend or two with it. Then we finally got it at work. I could zoom around the net then. But still had dialup at home.

Fast forward to Clinton. Still on dialup at home. But waaaay slower: 24kbs. I blamed it on the old rental house (though newer than my Amory home.) But even after we bought our house here, the “new” new house still connected at painfully slow connection rates. But as of last Friday, I now have broadband. And not just wimpy DSL, but cable internet.

So now the computer is out of the floor, on a table (I assume it’s temporary, but so was using the floor since June), and I’m actually sitting in a chair. How cool is that. So the plan is to begin to post on a much more regular basis. Like at least once a day. We’ll see how doable that works outto be. I’ve not been posting much at all lately. But been reading blogs a good bit. Some good stuff out there. And I’ve found a few new favorites I frequent too.

I’ve also been wondering if I want to stay here at I used to be at home over at But my mom read way too much and commented way to much and even sent me grammar corrections over email. So I found my “creativity” was stiffled there. But I almost want to say “what the hey!?” and go back there. I like that domain. Plus I think more people are still linked to that. So what do you think? A Small Twist or StateDOG?

1 Comment

  1. Sally's friend

    i say you keep doing what you were. Update this. cut and paste on to state dog when you want giddy to read. hope she never finds this one!

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