Like I was saying....

High Point Coffee (Oct 21st)

I’m sitting in High Point Coffee for a quick pit stop after paying my speeding ticket. I almost got driving school except for I was driving with a Commercial Drivers License. Nevermind that I was in a regular vehicle and the CDL was needed for my old job. I can’t wait to drop it.

But I’m uploading some pictures to print. So I came to one of the local watering holes. And it’s interesting today. Here’s what I see around me.

  • Halloween decorations: to the tune of cotton stretched to look like spiderwebs, orange lights, and big black spiders.
  • A girl with a stack of books a foot high. Most of them had Thoreau on the spine. Surely she won’t need all 9 of them while sitting here.
  • About four macbooks. One is black. Looks sweet.
  • Two guys in black suits wearing their shades inside. They didn’t’ realize that look went out when the debate left Oxford.
  • Sarah Palin is on the tv. But the sound is down so I can listen to something I can’t really pick out on XM radio.
  • About 6 junior high kids. I tried to take them for young looking high school kids, but then they got up and started moving around and removed any doubt. They they cozy up in the big chairs together and stroke each others face.
  • The above should be outlawed in some fashion.
  • New photos on the wall. They each have a little card at the bottom corner. So they’re for sale. I’ll check them out before I leave.
  • Now CNN has a story on “Atheist Business Campaigns” in London.
  • Older folk with their younger children sitting and reading at tables.
  • The junior highers finally left. Now it feels comfortable in here.
  • Tow friends talking animatedly over a magazine or something.
  • And some readers.

That’s what’s happening in my neck of the woods. What’s happening right where you are RIGHT NOW?


  1. Coffeecoast

    I really liked that you posted your experience.
    Great to read.

  2. canudigit

    Right now? I am finishing a cheeseburger from Johnnie’s Cafe and checking a couple of blogs while a plumber, who has encountered what seems to be an unmovable object, is attempting to clear my sewer line. I’m glad I’m not a plumber, and I wish plumbers worked at no charge.

  3. Diana

    First post I’ve read of your blog and I love it.

    I left work early today because I got tired of working there alone and all by myself with no one to talk to and came home. I got some work done and now I’m sitting at home with the laptop in front of me reading blogs. My daughter is home from school and sitting behind me at the computer desk listening to crazy stuff on YouTube. And the cat was whining to come in. Again. After she whined to go outside.

    funny, I’m not talking to anyone at home either, but at least there’s another warm body here (as opposed to work where I was really alone). I don’t do so well alone. Need people in my life.

    Diana´s last blog post..What Do You Do?

  4. Blake

    @coffeecoast: I’m not a huge coffee drinker, to be honest. But I do enjoy the environment of a coffee house. Great place to people watch.

    @g: Free plumbers….interesting concept. Was your plumber named Joe?

    @Diana: Sometimes there’s an aspect of peace just being *with* someone even if you’re not in a conversation with them. I think we all need people, even if we don’t realize it.

  5. canudigit

    G? Johnny Mac’s plumber is named Joe, and JM speaks of him often. My plumber’s name is Richard, and I got a 25% discount. 🙂 And I agree with what you said to Diana.

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