Moral of the story….don’t give away money when you’re in a depressive state.
Moral of the story…. Daniel was thrown in the lion’s den, not sent in there to taunt the creatures.
Like I was saying....
Moral of the story….don’t give away money when you’re in a depressive state.
Moral of the story…. Daniel was thrown in the lion’s den, not sent in there to taunt the creatures.
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And the guy accused of murdering Ms Lindh says that Jesus told him to do it.
Moral of the story… don't listen when your deity instructs you to commit crimes for which you might later be charged.
God instructs man to taunt lions.
God instructs lion to attack man.
Everyone laughs.
That's funny, LJ.
And you're right Dan…I doubt God is telling people to go and commit crimes like that. Just this morning I was talking to some friends. They had stories of people in actual full time ministry having affairs, and telling people that God was okay with their sexual unfaithfulness. They said that God was just using their first marriage "to prepare me for the one that really mattered". What a crock!