We made it to the game yesterday and decided not to sit where our tickets were supposed to be. They were in a pretty crowded section of the stadium, we only had 2 seats, and The Kid needed a seat. So we headed to the top where there is usually more room. Turns out it was more crowded than I’d ever seen it up there. But we still found a few seats. But we’d walked up and up and up for so long The pregant Wife was about to burst into flames. Then we sit in the direct sunlight with the heat and humidity. So she goes down to the upper concession area. Comes back up, sits for a bit, then says she can’t handle it.

Before we left home, the first people that’d called us yesterday morning about the ticket tip said they’d have space around them. So I looked across the way w/ my binocs and saw that there was still space, called them on the cell, then made our way over to the shady sice. Much cooler. Much closer. And with backs on the seats! Score!

The game was unimpressive the first half other than State didn’t do anything really stupid. They didn’t show a whole lot either. But I was satisfied to a degree. They had some whacked out rule bent around them that could have backfired on them after a play. But they held their composure and didn’t get burned.

Second half was better. We scored our first two possessions. Omarr Conner started rolling out to pass and found his targets. We scored three rushing touchdowns. Coach Croom got his first win. I’m glad he’s our coach. I don’t give a rip if he’s black or not. But he seems to be a man of brilliant character. He will be a winner for us. Mark it down.

Next week we have Auburn. They’re much better than Tulane. Tulane’s DL started three TRUE freshmen and a sophomore. That’s pittiful. And they flushed us a few times. But Tulane was just what the doctor ordered. It boosted our confidence. It showed us where a few of our strengths are. And it showed us what we need to do to improve. Hopefully we’ll work like mad dogs all week long.

The Wife and I met up with a friend from way back. After we fought the on campus traffic forever we got away and ate supper together at Abner’s restaurant. It was great to catch up for a bit.

The Kid loved the night. She got to eat a bunch of different stuff and got to see Bully from a distance. Up close with Bully makes her scream.